Friday, April 10, 2015

Nash Equilibrium- Using a strategy to make the best result. Don’t change the strategy

Game theory – trying to get your opponent to change their strategy for you to succeed

Prisoner dilemma- try to negotiate with your opponent to make the safest most beneficial decision.


Serendip is nearly the same as the games we have recently played in class. Even though it is a computer it acts just like the ruthless people did. If you screw it over by competing it will try to get even no matter what. If you’d just cooperate with it, it would be the most beneficial for you and the computer.

Give an example of Game Theory/prisoner dilemma:


In history:  The cold war standoff. Trying to keep each other from destroying one another all while trying to keep the highest military superiority.


In Government: When running for a campaign u might need to guess your opponents next move so u can be ready to counter the subject in debate.


In economics: Making a deal with a rival company so you both agree to sell a similar product at the same price so u both make a profit and stay in business.


related to sociology: A group of protesters tries to get their point across effectively without angering the authorities.


related to psychology: I’m playing chess and I try to get my opponent to believe I am using a different strategy than I actually am.


In your everyday life: There’s one brownie left and there’s you and your brother. You can split it, take the whole for yourself or you could give it to your brother.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


 My results for the inkblot test seem to have come out normal, other than the first one. According to that I’m paranoid, which I’d believe sometimes. I think this test is very interesting and I think it’s very prevalent. It really shows how humans can perceive things radically different. One problem I can see with this test is that you can really only do it once with this set of inkblots. The more you see them the more you analyze them and come up with weirder things. Anyone could make those pictures look sexual if they stared at it long enough. So I think if you had no previous experience with these cards the test would be a great tool to tell if people were mentally ill. But with some of them they look like they’re trying really hard to make them look sexual. I believe time is a key factor in this test. You can’t let people take their time they should have to  go with the first thing that comes to his mind. That’s how I believe you’d get the most accurate results.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

 Recent studies have shown that different cells in the brain function more independently than previously thought. Studies of two kinds of brain cells support this theory. The two types of cells in the study are matrix cells and patch cells.  The neostraitum is where these cells can be found. The neostraitum is the part of the brain in charge of the movement. The disease Parkinson’s attacks this part of the brain making motor function difficult. In studies done with mice given the parkinson’s virus they used stimulated matrix cells, which are stimulated by light,  and the mouse had trouble with motor function, such as grabbing food pellets with its front paws. Scientists conclude that the matrix cell are for motor skills and patch cells judge by previous experience and the work completely independent of each other.  One interesting fact about Parkinson’s is that people that are immobilized by the disease have been known to regain the ability to use their motor functions when the absolutely have to, for example life or death situations.


Emotional- 63

Mensa workout- 43%

Iq- 97

Monday, January 26, 2015

unconditional stimulus: cool guy
conditioned stimulus: camel cigarettes
Unconditioned response: you will look as fly as this guy
conditional response: you will want the smoky treat

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

 I’m going to use teaching Kourtney how to shoot a rifle for example. She had never shot a gun before so I decided to teach her how. First I showed her how the rifle functioned. It was a break action single shot 22. First I said point it in a safe direction. I told her to look down the sights and put the front sight level with the top of the rear sight.  I showed her how to open the breach, insert a shell, cock the hammer and put it on safety.  Then I said shoulder the gun with a firm grip and put your weight on your front foot. Then I said take it off safety and slowly pull the trigger but take your time. She hit the bottle and I was pretty proud.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Article 1. Nasal spray with insulin equivalent shows promise as treatment for adults with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s dementia

  1. A drug containing insulin was tested that helped improve memory.
  2. 60 adults
  3. 40 were given a higher does than the other 20
  4. They had to have short term memory loss.
  5.  Used a nasal spray containing insulin to improve the subjects memory
  6. The forty that received higher doses reacted to the drug better.
  7. Yes

Article 2.

  1. Marijuana’s effect on children with epilepsy.
  2. 58 kids around the age of seven
  3. No
  4. They had to experience severe seizures
  5. Gave children cannabis to try to reduce seizures
  6. Results vary between studies. Some saw elimination of seizures and for some seizures got worse
  7. No

Article 3. Biological basis for magic mushroom 'mind expansion' discovered

  1. How the affects of shrooms are similar to dreaming
  2. 15
  3. They were tested twice once with the drug and  once with a fake drug.
  4. Volunteer
  5. Gave them shrooms to see how their brains reacted
  6. Showed that the brain displays similar patterns when on shrooms when dreaming.
  7. Yes

Monday, January 5, 2015

intro to psychology

  1. Pissed
  2. Delicious
  3. My free time
  4. Stress
  5. Some sort of technician
  6. army recruiter
  7. Understanding, open, nonconformist 

I believe psychology will be a very interesting subject to start studying. The human mind fascinates me. It’s very complex and what comes from it is almost endless. I’d also like to know the reasons behind people’s choices and actions.  It’s interesting to think that minuet things can affect a person’s personality. I want to learn how environments can affect the way they act. I believe this class will help me better understand the human mind and people in general. And honestly its going to be fun to learn how to mess with people’s minds a manipulate them. I think what I learn in this class will help me in life in and after highschool.