Monday, January 5, 2015

intro to psychology

  1. Pissed
  2. Delicious
  3. My free time
  4. Stress
  5. Some sort of technician
  6. army recruiter
  7. Understanding, open, nonconformist 

I believe psychology will be a very interesting subject to start studying. The human mind fascinates me. It’s very complex and what comes from it is almost endless. I’d also like to know the reasons behind people’s choices and actions.  It’s interesting to think that minuet things can affect a person’s personality. I want to learn how environments can affect the way they act. I believe this class will help me better understand the human mind and people in general. And honestly its going to be fun to learn how to mess with people’s minds a manipulate them. I think what I learn in this class will help me in life in and after highschool.

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