Monday, January 12, 2015

Article 1. Nasal spray with insulin equivalent shows promise as treatment for adults with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s dementia

  1. A drug containing insulin was tested that helped improve memory.
  2. 60 adults
  3. 40 were given a higher does than the other 20
  4. They had to have short term memory loss.
  5.  Used a nasal spray containing insulin to improve the subjects memory
  6. The forty that received higher doses reacted to the drug better.
  7. Yes

Article 2.

  1. Marijuana’s effect on children with epilepsy.
  2. 58 kids around the age of seven
  3. No
  4. They had to experience severe seizures
  5. Gave children cannabis to try to reduce seizures
  6. Results vary between studies. Some saw elimination of seizures and for some seizures got worse
  7. No

Article 3. Biological basis for magic mushroom 'mind expansion' discovered

  1. How the affects of shrooms are similar to dreaming
  2. 15
  3. They were tested twice once with the drug and  once with a fake drug.
  4. Volunteer
  5. Gave them shrooms to see how their brains reacted
  6. Showed that the brain displays similar patterns when on shrooms when dreaming.
  7. Yes

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