Wednesday, March 18, 2015


 My results for the inkblot test seem to have come out normal, other than the first one. According to that I’m paranoid, which I’d believe sometimes. I think this test is very interesting and I think it’s very prevalent. It really shows how humans can perceive things radically different. One problem I can see with this test is that you can really only do it once with this set of inkblots. The more you see them the more you analyze them and come up with weirder things. Anyone could make those pictures look sexual if they stared at it long enough. So I think if you had no previous experience with these cards the test would be a great tool to tell if people were mentally ill. But with some of them they look like they’re trying really hard to make them look sexual. I believe time is a key factor in this test. You can’t let people take their time they should have to  go with the first thing that comes to his mind. That’s how I believe you’d get the most accurate results.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

 Recent studies have shown that different cells in the brain function more independently than previously thought. Studies of two kinds of brain cells support this theory. The two types of cells in the study are matrix cells and patch cells.  The neostraitum is where these cells can be found. The neostraitum is the part of the brain in charge of the movement. The disease Parkinson’s attacks this part of the brain making motor function difficult. In studies done with mice given the parkinson’s virus they used stimulated matrix cells, which are stimulated by light,  and the mouse had trouble with motor function, such as grabbing food pellets with its front paws. Scientists conclude that the matrix cell are for motor skills and patch cells judge by previous experience and the work completely independent of each other.  One interesting fact about Parkinson’s is that people that are immobilized by the disease have been known to regain the ability to use their motor functions when the absolutely have to, for example life or death situations.


Emotional- 63

Mensa workout- 43%

Iq- 97