Monday, October 13, 2014


                I believe Michael Moore’s documentary sicko really sheds light on the down falls of our current health care and shows the good things about free healthcare, something our media doesn’t tell us very often. I personally have never heard anything positive about free or generalized healthcare before I watched this movie. I got my information from what I heard on the news. I heard people call it the first step to socialism and I believed that for a long time, but now I’m not so sure. I believe we should help our citizens not ignore their needs and wellbeing. This documentary made me angry I’m not going to lie. I was frustrated. I was thinking how we can let these things happen to our own citizens. But then I sat back and thought a second. It’s all about greed. Those insurance and pharmaceutical countries don’t care who they hurt they’re just in it for the money. And if anybody tries to stop there so cleverly devised plan they will just use all the money they saved by killing people instead providing them care and pay off some ridiculously corrupt congressmen to propose some law to make their greed justified.  So yeah it’s a greed thing. I do know that Moore’s documentary is one sided and it was his mission to make me upset about our current healthcare system so I would like to look into this more to establish a more concrete opinion.

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