Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Blog

I have learned a lot from the project we have just completed on Ebola.  I have learned the diseases hosts, why it thrives in its current environment, and how it is transmitted. Some of the more shocking things that come to mind is that the Ebola has mutated over three hundred times since it has started infecting regions in Africa this year.  I personally am not going to worry about the virus until it mutates into an airborne virus. Another thing that is disheartening about the current situation is the sheer amount of funding that it would take to make a half decent plan to contain this if it were to become more contagious. Reports in the news claim that countries surrounding the infected regions are free of the virus. I think this is mainly because the transmission is not nearly fast enough to cross borders at a dangerous rate, so they have more time to prepare for the coming virus.

                Disease is yet another topic that can closely relate to globalization. Infectious diseases throughout history have affected people on an international scale and it will continue to do so in the future. Some infectious diseases that have had an international impact are the Spanish flu and aids. I think preventing these diseases and developing these vaccines for these diseases is extremely important. I think its also important for countries to work together to develop a cure. I think it would give our world a sense of unity. These are the kinds of things we need to work together on because it has the potential to affect us all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

  1.  It shocks me how much this activity has risen in the past 15 years.
  2. It’s hard to imagine that one industry can afford to give all this money.
  3. Pharmaceutical companies spent over 120mil on this.
  4. Most of the money they give is going to republicans
  5. Mitch McConnell a senior republican basically opposes everything Obama does and he receives the most money from healthcare companies to campaign.
  6. McConnell’s interests have also dramatically changed since he has become senator.
  7.    His is strongly against Obamacare and openly speaks against it.
  8. Cooperative of American physicians gives the most money but only spends 1.9% on GOP.
  9. Health care companies spend a good chunk of money on democrats, who support the affordable care act and Obama care.
  10. Ed Markey is the democrat that receives the most from healthcare companies actually votes in favor of the affordable care act

Monday, October 13, 2014


                I believe Michael Moore’s documentary sicko really sheds light on the down falls of our current health care and shows the good things about free healthcare, something our media doesn’t tell us very often. I personally have never heard anything positive about free or generalized healthcare before I watched this movie. I got my information from what I heard on the news. I heard people call it the first step to socialism and I believed that for a long time, but now I’m not so sure. I believe we should help our citizens not ignore their needs and wellbeing. This documentary made me angry I’m not going to lie. I was frustrated. I was thinking how we can let these things happen to our own citizens. But then I sat back and thought a second. It’s all about greed. Those insurance and pharmaceutical countries don’t care who they hurt they’re just in it for the money. And if anybody tries to stop there so cleverly devised plan they will just use all the money they saved by killing people instead providing them care and pay off some ridiculously corrupt congressmen to propose some law to make their greed justified.  So yeah it’s a greed thing. I do know that Moore’s documentary is one sided and it was his mission to make me upset about our current healthcare system so I would like to look into this more to establish a more concrete opinion.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sex trafficking

                In the back alleys of almost every city around the globe you can buy a slave on a middle class salary. It’s just 90$ per slave! Sounds crazy doesn’t it? But you can anywhere across the globe. It’s a sickening business with no remorse for human life or well-being. People, even children are forced to carry out tasks such as hard physical labor and sexual acts for no money at all. Many die without ever tasting freedom again. This happens because if they were released they would rat out their captors. For your everyday serial criminal human trafficking looks very appealing. Unlike most other illegally sold goods, a human slave can be sold over and over again until they are all used up. The profit from this buying and selling is easily in the tens of thousands per trafficked slave. We as human beings should not stand by and let this business rise to the top of the list as most profitable criminal business. It needs to be snuffed out before it grows any larger. We don’t want to look the other way as slavery becomes a part of everyday life.  But we have to come to face that that might already be a reality. Sex trafficking has affected people in your home state, even your home town.  Explicit things like, prostitution, pornography and exotic dancing have all profited from sex trade. We have to be vigilant and stop this inhuman business.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Globalization and women

                Globalization has definitely had a huge impact on the women of today. Just as globalization affects everything good and bad it does the same with women. Lately we have been learning about sex trafficking, so the first thing that comes to mind when I’m asked to compare women to globalization is sex trafficking. Although sex trafficking is the first thing to come to mind globalization also has helped women advance in our society.  Thanks to globalization women’s rights have been spread throughout the globe. Women being view as lesser beings has nearly become a thing of the past, with the exception of some third world and or dominantly Muslim countries. Women now hold higher positions than ever before. Movements for women’s rights can be found all around the globe. Sex trafficking is obviously the down side to globalization. Globalization has made the sex trafficking business explode. You’re a creepy old white guy and you got a thing for young Asian girls, well if you got the cash you can have one whenever you want. And those poor girls have been ripped from their homes and families to work till they die.  It’s a tragedy that globalization has to have this negative effect on women.