Monday, September 8, 2014

                                                                Migration and Globalization
Migration is a big contributing factor in globalization and in the world economy. Every day we see things in the news about refugees fleeing here and illegal border crossings there. Immigrants are what make our country diverse, but what lies ahead for us. In 50 years will English be the dominate language? Will we have the space to house all these people flooding to America to find a better life?  These are all good questions and I plan to look into them deeper.

People of foreign countries choose America for many reasons. Better education, safety, opportunity, the possibility of living the American dream, medical treatment, clean water these are just a few of those reasons. Immigrants literally built this country.  They drove the booming industry of the early to mid-20th century for their chance at the American dream. They had the determination to be great. Their hard labor for a reasonably cheap price made our economy a super power. They did, and still do, the jobs regular Americans don’t want to. They are the back bone of the American economy.

When people migrate they take their culture with them. I will use America as an example again because of its nickname the melting pot. Our culture has been affected thousands maybe even millions of ways by different cultures. In everyday life we use words from different cultures, we eat food from different cultures and even listen to music inspired by other cultures. The people of America come from many different countries and our diverse cultures still stands strong even though we are all American now.

Migration also has its draw backs. For example dealing with illegal border crossing has become a major problem.  We spend millions of taxpayer’s dollars giving aid to, imprisoning, and deporting refugee’s flooding over our borders from Mexico and other countries. Crime rates have risen. Drug trafficking and human trafficking have increased at least ten fold in the past few years. Our border to the south has caused us our fair share of trouble in the past few years. Another danger is terrorism. With access into America getting easier to obtain over our southern border, terrorists have a free way in. This is a danger to the citizens of our great nation and should not be taken lightly. I personally think border security should be at the top of the list for national defense.

Migration has changed the face of America and other countries and will continue to for a very long time. Hopefully in the future the effects of migration will be positive in years to come. But with the increasing amounts of terror attacks around the world and risk of contagious disease spreading it does not seem likely. Events such as these will not only affect the people inside our borders, but also push people out of the way of danger into new areas. The spread of people is inevitable. It has been since the beginning of time. There will always be people in search of something better.  But is the grass really greener on the other side?