Tuesday, August 26, 2014


                Globalization has surely changed the face of our planet and the course of the human race. It has turned countries into super powers and reduced some to nothing. Its effects are evident and they are in your everyday life. In this digital age it’s almost impossible for globalization not to exist. We are far too deep into this connected world,where you can have anything you dream of at the touch of button, to turn back now. Globalization has made luxury common place. I personally do not agree with the idea of a globalized world. It has turned us into a people reliant on technology and greedy for more.

                Globalization has caused its fair share of trouble throughout the world. War is a direct result of globalization. Wars are fought for control of natural resources to gain wealth and power. Our imperialistic ideals have gotten us into quite a bit of trouble in the last hundred years. We intervened in countries where we had no place, creating enemies with every dollar we made.  War is now an outlet of profit for countries who participate. Larger countries go into smaller or less developed countries to stop an “injustice” as a gate way to gain access and control to their goods, such as oil and natural gas.

                Globalization has also created a state of dependence throughout the globe. For example, we rely on china for cheap labor so we can “save” money. But really that’s just money not being put back into our economy. Instead we are in debt to china and our own economy suffers. If we were to keep the jobs here and not rely on other countries, one we’d be in less trouble, and two our people would have more money to spend in our country bettering our economy. As a country I believe we should use what we have first being for going to someone else.

                I know globalization is here to stay but I firmly believe it will have its consequences and there’s not much we can do to stop it.  The only way to get through it is to look at the bright side of globalization and hope our world leaders make good choices to better our world.